Thursday, 24 May 2012

Position and Direction -mazes

This week we have been doing position and direction.  We took out the skipping ropes and made mazes, then the children gave each other verbal instructions to a blindfolded child on how to navigate the maze.  I also stuck Left and Right post-it notes onto them.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Telling the Time

Today a group went outside to use our giant clock on the playground.  They laid inside the clock to show half past and o'clock times.  I think I will get another group to use it tomorrow and make them run one revolution of the clock to show an hour more etc.  So if you don't have one on your playground, break out the sidewalk chalk! And it would a good way to teach angles to older children.

Monday, 7 May 2012

Rain rain go away...

Sorry I haven't posted much lately, but the rain has been torrential lately!  We haven't been getting outside.  I don't mind going out in a misty rain but not in sideways rain.

Measurement -Length

Now that spring has finally sprung, it's a great chance to get outdoors and measure anything!  You can give the children multi-link cubes, who can find a plant that is smaller or larger?  How many cubes long?  Incorporate some ICT and give the children some cameras to photograph their plants etc. If you are using standard units this is a good chance to use tape measures instead of rulers.